Monday, April 30, 2012

Are you scared of heights?

Not really, in fact high places are really fun.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you collect anything?

Not that I'm aware of...

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could read one book for your entire life, which would it be?

That is a cruel and unusual form of torture, you know that right? I guess the Hobbit. I doubt the Movie will live up to the glory of the book though. Better at least have all the songs in it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?

That's really vague, how do the powers themselves work exactly?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Is it easy to make you laugh?

I've got a great sense of humor, but don't be surprised if I'm laughing for an entirely different reason than what was intended.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's your favorite thing to cook?

I love making Spaghetti and Meatballs. It's the best.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite kind of pet?

Dogs are loyal, that's all that matters.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could turn into an animal, what animal would you choose?

I'm quite happy the way I am thank you.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

At what age would you like to retire?

Define retire? I'm staying active till the day I die and by that I mean that'll most likely be killed at some point. Maybe when I'm ninety or something.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could control time, to what year would you travel?

Don't really know. It's probably something I decided on a whim at the time.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who do you think should be the next president of the United States?

I honestly don't care. The president doesn't have much power anyhow. Plus politics don't really matter as the whole government is set the way it is and having different people in office doesn't make a real difference. Honestly I don't really care what the government does as it won't stop me from doing as I want regardless.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

Hmm... I really like boats, so a yacht.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you book smart or street smart?

Both actually, I'm very gifted like Akisame Kōetsuji.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

By far, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Though I still haven't seen Surfboard Nazi's. I hear it's horrendous.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's your favorite place to visit?

Sometimes, when I'm staying over at someone's place in Cedar Hill, I'll sneak off in the middle of the night and just sit at Virginia Weaver Park to just sit and think like I used to when I was younger.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What fear would you like to conquer?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha... you make me laugh.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you believe in coincidence?

If you mean random events caused by the universes attempt to maintain it's seemingly odd from of balance, then yes.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What could you teach?

Hmm, if I had the actual time to teach (and not the ten to twenty minutes anyone ever gives me). I could teach a multitude of subjects. I would love to teach people martial arts someday after I've learned a lot more. That'd be fun.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What do you like most about your best friend?

I don't really have a best friend, but thing i like about all my real life (non internet) and close friends is that I don't really hangout with normal people and tend to surround myself with the most odd and interesting characters there are. Life is more fun that way.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Coffee or Tea?

They say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but you sir and/or madame have just found one. The answer is tea. With tea on the table, why anyone drink coffee? It makes no sense at all. Tea is one of two top tier drinks and it has much more a variety than milk. I can enjoy just about any kinda of tea as I have yet to find one I dislike.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Can you type fast?

Not at all. I have fast and precise fingers when it comes to inflicting pain and damage on people, but for some reason typing never really clicked.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's the last thing you bought? Was it for you or someone else?

Got myself a yoohoo. Suck on that!

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you fall asleep easily?

Not easily at all and don't stay asleep very well either. Guess it's a survival based thing or something.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do you tell your best friend everything?

I don't really have a best friends (as it is a pointless title), but I pretty much tell anyone I've known for a little while or more just about anything. I don't live a secret life or have anything hide.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where are you ticklish?

The bottom of my feet used to be ticklish, but I'm not sure even they are anymore.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

The point where it all began.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is the most recent book that you have read?

I read through A Separate Peace by John Knowles again recently. It's one of my most favorite books.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Have you ever been in love?

I'd rather not talk about it thank you. That was the darkest time of my life thus far if you don't mind.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you have a reccurring dream?

A few from time to time. They are mostly about myself going to places that couldn't possibly exist within our own realm of thinking. Those are my favorite dreams.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

I don't like dating period, so obviously the latter choice.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Long hair or short hair?

I like my hair both ways, though genetically, my hair is really thin during earlier and doesn't look as good long as it does short. I'll probably keep it longer when I'm older and it's thicker like my dad's is.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who or what are you loyal to?

Anyone loyal to me. Loyalty is really all that matters, but I have a strange definition of loyalty apparently.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who would you like to trade places with for a day?

Why would I want to be anyone but myself. I'm awesome!

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

In what ways does your personality change when you stay up too late?

Me change? Don't make me laugh. I've stayed up for 3 days before and was mostly fine. I crashed immediately after though.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Is it easy for you to tell people how you feel?

If I trust them. If I don't, they don't need to know.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What household chore do you hate to do the most?

Sweeping. I suck at it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather see a beautiful sunrise or sunset?

Quantum mechanics and fourth dimensional thinking says I don't have to choose, I can see both at the same time. Now, to figure out how to pull it off.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you like to be the center of attention?

It is often very fun.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What object are you sentimental about?

GIM is more than an object. He has a high school education. Second smartest rock I've ever met.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is the name of your favorite pet?

My late dog Digger will probably always be my favorite, even though he bit me several time. A couple in the face.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What did you like best about your hometown?

My friends. Other than that, the place can go lick a taint.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

You know in the 4th grade, when I had encounter with the ethereal being at the park and right before it reached me, it kinda just disappeared, laughing wildly and saying the wild one weeps for you? What was the effin' point to that?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's your favorite late-night snack?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

I absolutely love the mountain side. There is so much to do there. Dudes, lets go soon.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

Tobuscus recently release his "I can swing my sword" song and it's awesome. You should go check it out.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Ketchup or mustard?

You can't just ask a flat question like that. What is it going on or with. If you mean which one would I rather eat plain, I sometime eat ketchup right out of the packets.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you a good swimmer?

Not at all. I probably could be, but I haven't even started learning to swim until this last summer. At least I can swim for survival now. It makes me even that much harder to get rid of.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's your approach to making your bed?

I sleep on the couch. I just fold my blanket, store it and the pillows, and put the throw pillows back on the couch where they belong. When I get an actual bed, I'll tell you.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who's your favorite musician?

What is this obsession with favorites and rating things. I'm sitting trying to rank awesome things and try to like or dislike something more than something else and it's kinda stupid and pointless anyway.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's your favorite kind of fruit?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

How spiritual are you?

I'm not sure that's up to me to decide.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you go first or let others go first?

I usually let others go first. It's a more strategic movement.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you good at accepting criticism?

Maybe... I'm really good at out doing criticism. At least it's a form of improvement.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you prefer 2%, 1% or skim milk?

Ew! Why would I want watered down milk. Whole, or even raw, milk for me please. I don't want your empty crud.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite thing to drink?

It's a tie between Tea and Milk. Really hard to choose either way.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you like to drink soda?

Depends how I feel. I used to love soda, but I'm kinda neutral to it. Can I have tea instead?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you consider yourself athletic?

I'm a naturally gifted athlete, but I don't care for sports and competitions of athletes.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you have a good singing voice?

I used to, it's been rather hoarse lately. It does that hear and there, but it has always come back so far.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

How would you like to be remembered?

As the guy who kept people guessing till the end.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Can you cook?

I'm a most excellent cook. I wanna have a pot luck sometime, a few of my friends can cook good too.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Depends if I have to shower or not.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

How many rings before you answer the phone?

First one I hear.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you like to play video games?

What kind of question is that? I'll play almost any game from almost any genre.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you have any hobbies?

Martial arts, walking, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, playing video games, watching anime, deep and critical thinking, acting, directing, building and crafting, fighting, researching various things, reading, sight seeing, traveling, helping others, messing with electronics and technology in general, inventing and coming up with new ideas, and just making life fun and interesting all together. I'm sure there's more, but that's all that comes to mind now.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Strawberry or any flavor with strawberries in it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather text or talk?

I don't really like texting. It feels like an insult to send a message when you have the ability to speak.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

I've seen some pretty odd stuff, why not?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you prefer habit or new experiences?

I find new experiences are exciting and great for growth, though there are a few experiences I will gladly pass up on.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is something most people don't know about you?

Are you sure you wanna know? There is probably a reason most people don't know it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What do you like to do on rainy days?

Go for a walk and run around in it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What do you think is your most attractive feature?

I don't really have an attractive feature at all. I have a natural aura of charisma.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Have you ever found money in the street?

All the time. Found $15 in change around the old town hall in Cedar Hill once. That was pretty excellent.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite smell?

The smell of the pouring rain and nature right after.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

Hmm... need TV for console games, but I can play all my favorite games on my computer if I really want to. Definitely the TV. Hardly use it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

I can't really narrow it down by a description, but you'll know when I start complaining.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who's the most important person alive today?

HAHAHAHAHAHA, as if any one human is more important than any other. You make me laugh, sir or madame, you make me laugh.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?

I actually enjoy listening to people, but I just end up talking a lot.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Not sure, most likely not.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who inspires you the most?

People who take all the shit the world throws at them not because they are pushovers, but because they know they can take it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you had a free day with no work and no school, how would you spend it?

That's most days actually. I'm at a pretty pathetic point of life, but it'll change soon enough as it needs to.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you ever watch movies more than once?

I re-watch the ones I really like all the time.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Do you trust your friends?

Yes, I get rid of people I don't trust. Who needs them?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's in your fridge?

If I had my own fridge, nothing for long.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you talk a lot on the phone?

No. I'm not very fond of phones.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What movie makes you laugh?

Joe Dirt

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?

Small. I don't trust large corporations too much.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

How do you feel about roller coasters?

I'll go on any, but I think loop-da-loops are stupid and am not entirely fond of the Shock-wave and Flashback at Six Flags.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Insane, generous, and OP. (I don't care if that last one is actually two words. Screw you it has one meaning.)

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What makes you laugh?

Almost everything. I'm so bad, I laugh at cancer jokes at times.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you were to change your name, what name would you choose?

If I change my name, it'll be because I don't want people to know I'm me for one reason or another, so why would I tell you?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

It just wouldn't be the same.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite kind of pie?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What person do you most admire?

Hayato Furinji. Don't know who he is, look it up?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite song?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's more important: science or art?

Science is an art and art is a science, so neither. How can you truly have one without the other?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

You can invite anyone to your party. Who's on the guest list?

Who would want Toby "Tobuscus" Turner at their party?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

When do you get shy?

What is this "shy" you speak of?

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you a competitive person?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... maybe.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could have a superpower, which one would you want?

The ability to stop time, much like Zack Morris' Time Out ability from Saved By The Bell.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your favorite breakfast food?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?


Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What fast-food restaurant do you visit most often?

McDonald's and Wendy's due to price, but I don't eat fast food often if I can avoid it.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you think a movie or restaurant makes for a better first date?

Wouldn't know. I honestly don't think I'd do either for a first date if and when I found someone that's suitable to date me. Festivals and fairs seem more appropriate anyhow. I'm sure you can always find something in the area more creative.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?

You'd think UFC or MMA looking at me, but I'm actually quite fond of the snowboard.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Do you like horror movies?

Old ones due to character. New ones blow hard, yet gooey chunks.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?

Fighting, but I don't get to do it very often at all.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

Tough one. Probably reruns of All That. Sounds like a good choice.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Is it easy for you to go to sleep?

Noooooooooooo. Since I lack the half-asleep state, it takes forever for me to sleep. Hours at times. Also weird fact. Through a sleep study, found I go straight into REM sleep. Even more reason I doubt my humanity at times.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who's the smartest person you know?

Besides myself, probably my Pop-pop (granddad), and even then it's a close call because I know quite a few smart people.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I'm not sure. I have a few probable plans for life, but you never know what could happen.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you more like mom or dad? Why?

My dad, because when he isn't drinking, he's a real stand up guy.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What is your least favorite food?

Fried stuff... man I'm in the wrong state.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

What food could you give up easily?

Fast food in general.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If a genie granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?

Not sure. I'd depend on how I feel at the time and how life is going.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Are you a morning or night person?

I'm a "hardly ever sleeps because of the lack of a half-asleep state" kinda person. I'm really good at faking that half-asleep state, but I'm either awake or asleep.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Who and when was your first kiss?

A girl kiss my cheek when I was in grade school once. Other than that, I haven't had one yet. Doesn't bother me none.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?

Yes. I don't even really enjoy the stuff.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

Buy a large plot of land and build a traditional dojo on it. After that, give money to my loved ones that could use it, because I really don't value that kinda greenery.

Come on, ya gotta ask me something.